I have decided to stay another year. So that means another year of fantastic blog posts, another year of travel, another year of adventure.
On an exciting note, I am going to be doing my first ever restaurant review! A restaurant in Abu Dhabi contacted me and would like me to come and review their food. So exciting!
If anyone is reading this and would like me to come and review their establishment (hello spas), I would love to.
Now back to me staying here another year...
I still have one more year of my Master's of Educational Technology program, so I figured I might as well stay put and teach and finish that. Also, the teaching situation at home is terrible.
I have also been asked if I will be changing school's, the answer to that is no. I am team 'the devil you know', sure I could change and be placed at a better school, but I could also be placed at a worse one. I know the ins and outs of my school and who knows what it will be like at a new school, so I am staying put.
This weekend I have a few parties to look forward too and my house needs a serious cleaning. I think I am the only person that doesn't pay to have their place cleaned (it is only 10$ An hour) but there is something therapeutic about cleaning.
Since moving out here I have had a few eye infections, the doctor thinks it is because of my contacts and all the sand and dust in the air. For this reason, I have had to get a new pair of glasses that I will be wearing more often.
They were an arm and a leg cause I am blind but I really didn't have a choice. I am actually contemplating laser eye surgery, so I am going to get my eyes evaluated to see if I qualify for the surgery, if I do I may get it next year.