
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Teacher Appreciation Week

   There is no such thing as Teacher Appreciation Week in the UAE. Since my Assistant Vice Principal is from the States this week she have us little treats like this:

When she have me the Fanta, my students were around and asked me why I was getting a can of Fanta. I explained that in America this week is Teacher Appreciation  Week, this means that Principals and students say THANK YOU to their teachers. I heard them whispering after this and I knew something was up.

Today we walked into this:

A party for us!!!! How sweet of them! 

They said a BIG THINK YOU to is for teaching them.


  1. There are churches of all types, some of my friends are 7 Day Adventice and go to a nice church in Dubai, but there are churches all over. We worship in Fridays here. My friends also stream church from home on their computers/phones.

    As for the % of black people, there are a lot. Especially in the teacher circle. My mom jokes that I have more black friends here than I did at home.

  2. That is very thoughtful of them!

  3. That is so cool! I know our students can really get on our nerves from day to day but honey it really feels my heart when they do sweet things like this for us. Kinda makes it all worth while. Kinda. No really it does!
